
Saturday, April 25, 2015

My Personal Diet Modification

Over the last several blogs I have talked about scientific and not so scientific reasons as to why we are the way that we are in terms of weight and health.  I have issued a few challenges that I know have helped me personally and I wanted to share with you now my own personal diet and my strengths and weaknesses in regards to my own nutrition in the hopes that it will help you if you find yourself in a dietary rut.
In order to show you just how bad I was before this class started, I am going to have to share with you my not so good eating habits.  This picture made me laugh so hard because unfortunately that  describes me very well when it comes to cake or chocolate.  In a work week (Monday – Friday) I would not eat breakfast and for lunch I would eat at one of the fast food restaurants in town.  My lunch would either be a chicken sandwich or hamburger with fries and occasionally I would find myself at the Mexican restaurant in town eating a burrito with chips and salsa.  Then for dinner I would usually fix something that was quick and easy without paying any attention to the calories.  And if there was anything that had chocolate in it, I would eat it.  As far as physical activity, I might walk two miles once a week if any.  Needless to say my habits were horrible and explain why I had put on a little weight.
Being that I wanted to be a good role model for my son and that I wanted to live a longer healthier life, I decided that it was time to start making some changes.  

The first change I made was to install My Fitness Pal on my phone so that I could visually see what I was eating in terms of calories.  My next step for modifying my diet was to start eating breakfast.  While my breakfast isn’t perfect, it is healthy.  I have been eating yogurt or a granola bar
and it really holds me over until lunch time.   
At lunch I have stopped eating French fries and I have stopped eating a lot of fried anything.  My new lunch looks more like a salad with lean protein and nuts on top and at first I was hungry like two hours later but after a month I can tell a difference not only in my waistline but in my energy levels as well.  Dinner is still a work in process but for the most part I have been eating lean proteins and really paying attention to the food labels.

These changes are not perfect and they do not put me where I need to be but I can say that since starting this I have lost ten pounds and I feel better than I have since before I had my son.  I have also tried to start walking more regularly and taking a multivitamin.  Along with the weight loss, I have more energy, I feel more focused and my blood pressure has lowered.  Again these changes are just my beginning because I know in order to be my best I still have a lot of work left to do.

If you have read all of the blogs I have posted thus far and you have not learned anything from them, I do hope that you may at least have gained the motivation to start your own transformation into the healthier you.

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